iPhone débarré ! Carte SIM spéciale nécessaire…
1Et oui, c’est fait maintenant.
Différents hackers d’Europe ont réussi à utiliser leur iPhone avec un autre fournisseur de service cellulaire. Et tout fonctionne très bien, appels entrant/sortrant, SMS entrant/sortant et GPRS.
Par contre, la manipulation est plutôt complexe et elle requiert une Turbo SIM. J’imagine qu’un petit logiciel sortira bientôt et fera le tout avec un seul click! C’est une question de jours/semaines.
Voici la manipulation. Par contre, je ne peux pas vraiment vous aidez, je n’ai pas de iPhone à porté de main…
Manipulation tirée de http://www.bladox.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=542&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=195
First, your phone must be activated (with the AT&T SIM), jailbreaked, and with SSH and vim. Refer to previous tutorials to do that
– Download the port of Bladox utilities http://www.hackint0sh.org/forum/show…5&postcount=16 on your computer, extract it on your computer (you need the binary file turbo-app)
– Download AppleSaft 0.92 from Bladox (see the link on their forum, don’t remember it), extract it on your computer (you need the .trb file)
– Turn on your phone with Turbo SIM + AT&T subscription
– Disable CommCenter – ssh to your phone, vim /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist add
<key>Disabled</key> <true/>
for example add it just after these lines, already present in the file
<key>OnDemand</key> <false/>
If you don’t like vim, you can do this modification on your desktop computer (iPhuc/iPhoneInterface getfile, modify the file, and putfile)
vim ultra light survival kit
i : insert mode
ESC : command mode (from insert mode)
dd : delete the current line (in command mode)
:w! : save (in command mode)
:q! : quit (in command mode)
– Reboot
– Copy turbo-app to your phone (for example in /opt/bladox)
– Copy applesaft.trb to your phone (for example in /tmp)
– ssh to your phone, set the executable permission to turbo-app (chmod a+x /opt/bladox/turbo-app) and run it with /opt/bladox/turbo-app /tmp/applesaft.trb. It should take approximately 30 seconds and you shouldn’t see any error. Please panic if you see one
– Reenable CommCenter – ssh to your phone, vim
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist and delete the lines you added previously– Reboot
– Go into Settings/Phone/SIM Applications/Apple Saft and choose Set
– Turn off your phone
– Turn on your phone with Turbo SIM + your subscription and test
Une seconde manipulation non-confirmée sur http://www.hackint0sh.org/forum/showthread.php?p=17036
Fully tested instructions will be posted soon.
Non tested instructions (very close though) http://www.gurmelas.dyndns.orgTo see the Thread history from Bladox check http://www.bladox.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=542
DO NOT POST ON Bladox Forum no more.A few answers for common questions:
1. This method works with V2 and V3 cards. CONFIRMED!2. You will need to cut the card however is just the plastic you cutting.
3. A new software was released by Bladox (not tested yet) that allows you to enter the values manually so you won’t need an AT&T or cut your AT&T if you don’t want to.
4. Some people have reported that by using the method where you copy your iPhone AT&T SIM CCID and IMSI it doesnt require you to deactivate and activate. If deactivation and Activation is required is just a simple step – Software available here: http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/IASign
5. The only tested way requires you to use a second phone to upload the application. For that your phone needs to be connected to you computer via Bluetooth (serial available) or via cable (with serial available). www.gurmelas.dyndns.org gives you an example with Razr.
6. You can buy the Turbo Sim at http://www.bladox.com/shop.php?lang=en -> Turbo SIM – Blank Version (59 euros+shipping)
7. Yes, it is expensive and Shipping is ridiculous expensive.
Je vous tiens au courant des nouvelles sur le sujet.